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C-3700 Trumbull 2- Cam02_A.jpg

Scrips District
Woodbridge Detroit

This project is a 1.5 acre infill development in the Woodbridge neighborhood that features 65 townhomes on the existing Scripps Mansion site in the Woodbridge Farms Historic District.  Each townhome consists of internal parking and a bonus room on the ground floor, main living space on the second floor, and bedrooms and bathrooms on the third floor. There are two-unit types, one 20’ wide (with two parking spaces), and one 16’ wide (with one parking space). 

The simplified contemporary detailing allows the buildings to visually recede and act as a backdrop to the more ornate historic structures that are the character defining elements of the district.  In addition to the new structures, new public open spaces are also created as part of the development. At the center of the development along Trumbull, a new community lawn is created in front of the Existing Scripps Mansion Power House.

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